Welcome to Amhara Liberation Movement
Amhara Liberation Movement (ALM) (an ethnic Amhara ethno-nationalist movement) was founded to lead the existential survival struggles of the Amhara people. Amhara Liberation Movement (ALM) is an all Amhara embracing movement of Amhara people that seeks territorial independence (in case of the Ethiopian state collapse) or enhanced political or cultural autonomy (or rights of various types) within an existing nation-state of Ethiopia (if such an Ethiopia exists!) for all Amhara people. ALM seeks to free Amharas from various forms of domination and discriminatio
We exist to liberate all Amharas from historic discrimination, hatred, oppression, subjugation, genocide, displacements, starvation, blame, statelessness, & persecution.
We promise to fight tooth and nail until all Amharas are free.
WE will come together to liberate ourselves from perpetual shame & destruction.
Expose the state sponsored horror that is happening in Ethiopia to garner international support
Design battle tested strategies, motivate, inspire, flawlessly execute & selflessly lead the struggle until total victory.
"Is Freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish? Epictetus .
We are responsible for our liberty.
Bring together our human, material, financial & intellectual resources to expeditiously bring an end to Amhara massacre.